Do Your Board Meetings Really Work?
Posted on 24th June 2024 at 10:58
Do ALL board members make a positive contribution?
Board Meetings: Do you have them? If you do how productive are they in terms of short and long term decision making? Are all the key senior execs fully involved, actioned and held accountable?
Why Do We Need One?
The board is the top decision making body of an enterprise. Collectively it takes a top down view of the strategy, capability and resources required to achieve planned performance and results. The recommended foundation for this is to have a 3 Year Plan. You don’t have to be a large company to benefit.
Operational to Strategic Balance
As a company grows its management meetings will progress from detailed operational issues to strategic issues. Scrutinising the accounts in relation to budgets is basic but are they presented to enable judgements to be made by product and service, how are these trending how strong is the pipeline, how’s our cashflow, are we getting a good ROI from our marketing, etc. How can we fund capital investment, do we need to expand to other sites. Are we training and rewarding our staff and helping them to develop their careers. Approval of annual budgets. What about M&A opportunities and eventual exit?
Who’s Involved?
The most senior managers (usually called directors) who are responsible for the main functional areas of the business. Obviously this includes the CEO. It is unusual to have a chairman who combines that function with being the CEO. Alternatively, it is more usual to have a separate non executive chairman. The latter arrangement is preferred and conventional practice. This applies particularly to high growth companies.
From time to time non board members are invited to present to and/or advise the board.
The Role of the Board
The workings of the board evolve through each stage of the company’s development. For example with each step function in growth either organic or inorganic, or, appointments of new directors. The following features of board working remain consistent as the company progresses:
The board is run by the chairman who is responsible for the board agenda, conduct of the meetings and preparation and circulation of the minutes.
The board formulates future strategy and a business plan in order to enable their achievement. As a reference the board will be party to the development of the Market Strategy and 3-Year Plan (3YP).
The board will watch out for early warning of changing business conditions or competitive pressures that may require changes to the plan.
The board ensures that the company has resources, particularly money and people, sufficient and capable of delivering the strategy and plan.
The board ensures that financial systems are accurate, timely and capable of deterring possible fraud.
The board monitors performance against the plan and takes corrective action if necessary.
The board must be seen as a good employer and to fulfil its obligations to customers, suppliers and the community.
Role of CEO vs Chairman
CEO – Runs the Company’s Business
Responsible for overall operations and financial performance; provides clear leadership.
Executive directors report to the CEO.
Leads and inspires the preparation and delivery of strategy, plans and targets.
Proposes acquisition/investment proposals and implements.
Develops organisation structures and succession planning.
Chairman – Runs the Board
Organises board meetings including agreement of meeting agenda, venue and date; generally held on a monthly frequency.
Chairs board meetings in an inclusive and informal style; issues board minutes including agreed actions.
Supports and mentors CEO.
Maintains consistent strategic input and scrutiny.
Russ has chaired boards of all sizes in both public and private sectors over 20+ years. He’s well known for inspiring positive engagement from all round the table and for inspiring the delivery of challenged performance. Why not invite Russ to one of your board meetings?
If you are looking to achieve high profitable growth objectives, contact us and request a free business plan template

We major on strategic input and advice delivered to chairmen, CEOs and other directors.

We work interactively with directors to firstly understand the business and its aspirations and challenges.

Recent clients are in the aerospace, building interiors, recycling, motor racing and online services.
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